Riser Recliners Explained

Published by Steve Hedberg on July 14, 2009 Under lift chairs

liftchair2With the many complications that can affect seniors, finding ways to increase safety at home and away is imperative. One of the most important tasks should be making an effort to reduce the risk of falls. Falls can be very serious for the elderly, who often have more brittle bones as a result of osteoporosis. As a result, even a very low impact fall can cause a broken bone, which can be very difficult to recover from for a senior. One way that falls are prevented is by using riser recliners.

Riser recliners, which are most often called lift chairs, are important tools for seniors and others who may not be able to stand on their own. From the outward appearance of a riser recliner, it might not be easy to tell that they are not just a regular recliner. They have a backrest that can be reclined and allow a nice footrest. However, unlike a regular recliner, both the footrest and backrest are electronically operated. This is not what makes riser recliners special though, but instead it is the strong lifting system which is included in the base of the recliner that makes the riser recliner a powerful standing tool for seniors.

Using a Riser Recliner

The lifting system that is installed in the base of the riser recliner is used to raise the chairs frame, as well as the person that is sitting in the chair. As the frame rises, the lift chairs occupant remains seated and once the frame has been completely raised, the chairs occupant can exit the riser recliner on their feet. However, it is important to note that the seat is angled in a manner that allows the senior to remain seated even when the chair is fully raised.

As a result of the way the seat is angled, there is no concern that the senior will be unceremoniously dumped from the chair when it is raised. The chair also uses a constant pressure switch, moving very slowly and in a very fluid manner, further reducing the risk of injury. The constant pressure switch is designed so that the chair only moves while the button is being pressed. As soon as the senior lets go of the button, the chair stops moving, which prevents that chair from being raised if the button is accidentally pushed.

Sizes and Styles of Riser Recliners

Riser recliners come in all different shapes and sizes, with models available to fit almost anyones body size. From those who are under five feet tall, to seniors over six feet in height, there is a riser recliner available. These lifting aids also come in a variety of styles, so seniors are seldom at a loss when it comes to finding a chair that will match the furnishings and colors in their home. There are even a number of leathers and pseudo leathers available to offer a very luxurious feel. Often, the pseudo leathers are a better choice, because they offer improved breathability, which reduces the way that leather can make you sweat, and are also more stain resistant.

Riser recliners are very important safety tools for seniors and others who are not able to safely stand on their own. These devices are essential tools when it comes to increasing safety and allowing the user to lead an independent life.

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